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Abdominal Exercise Bundle with 71 Videos

Abdominal Exercise Bundle with 71 Videos

Regular price $58.84 AUD
Regular price $106.99 AUD Sale price $58.84 AUD
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Are you a Personal Trainer, Fitness Instructor or Gym Owner?

You'll be provided with 71 pre-made videos demonstrating ab fitness exercises that you can use to impress your clients. The videos cover bodyweight and gym equipment exercises and include background music.

Here are the specifications for the video files:
Format: mp4
Size: 1920 x 1080p HD
Frames per second: 50
Length: Up to 30 seconds, depending on the exercise.

Exercises included:
Ab Crunch
Ab Rollout
Barbell Rollouts
Bench Jack Knife
Bench v Up
Bosu Ball Ab Crunch
Butterfly Sit Ups
Decline Ab Crunches
Decline Bicycle Crunches
Decline Bodyweight Russian Twists
Decline Sit Ups
Decline Weighted Crunches
Decline Weighted Russian Twists
Decline Weighted Sit Ups
Dumbbell Plank Pull Throughs
Easy Bicycle Crunches
Easy Starfish Sit Up
Fitball Ab Crunch
Fitball Decline Plank Alternating Leg Raises
Fitball Decline Plank Hold
Fitball Incline Plank Alternating Leg Raises
Fitball Incline Plank Hold
Fitball Knee Tuck
Fitball Rollout Easy
Fitball Rollout Hard
Flutter Kicks
Hanging Knee Raise
Hanging Leg Raise Pike
Hanging Leg Raise
Hard Bicycle Crunches
Hard Starfish Sit Up
Incline Leg Raise
Jack Knife
Kneeling Cable Crunch
Kneeling Plank Hold
Lying Leg Raise With Hip Lift
Lying Leg Raises
Onesided Ab Crunches
Plank Hip Twists
Plank Hold
Plank on Hands
Plank Shoulder Taps
Plank Walk Outs
Plank X
Roman Chair Knee Raise
Roman Chair Leg Raise
Russian Twists With Plate
Side Heel Taps
Side Plank Dip
Single Side Bicycle Crunches
Sit Ups
Slam Ball Russian Twist Easy
Slam Ball Russian Twist Hard
Standing Cable Crunch
Starfish Crunches
Toe Touch Crunch
Torpedo Crunches
Trx Ab Pike
Trx Ab Tuck
Trx Full Plank
Trx Mountain Climbers
Trx Plank Hold
V Sit Hold
V Up
Weighted Crunches
Weighted Russian Twists Easy
Weighted Russian Twists Hard
Weighted Torpedo Crunches
Windshield Wipers Easy
Windshield Wipers Hard

If you have any inquiries before placing your order, please feel free to contact me directly 🙂

License Terms

Here’s what you can and cannot do with the done-for-you ‘The Fitness Stall’ content:

Exercise Videos (Unbranded Packages)

✅ Can claim full authorship with no attribution
✅ Can add your branding, colors, logo and name
✅ Can be uploaded to media streaming server (eg. Youtube, Vimeo)
✅ Can be embedded into PDF’s or documents
✅ Can be used on social media platforms
✅ Can be used as web content
✅ Can be used in workshops and webinars
✅ Can be added to your membership site
✅ Can be used in native apps

❌ Cannot be sold as a direct product or package
❌ Cannot be given away direct product or package
❌ Cannot transfer the private label rights to others
❌ Cannot sell Resell Rights
❌ Cannot sell Master Resale Rights
❌ Cannot sell Private Label Rights
❌ Cannot sell or giveaway your license to the content
❌ Cannot claim false ownership/authorship of the Licensed Asset.

For questions or inquiries, please contact

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